
What Visitors Want To See On Your Website

There are many different factors that affect how much time visitors spend on your site. Here are a few ways to make your site interesting, informational, and easy to navigate so that visitors will transition into customers.

1. Exciting Visuals

As we’ve said before, we believe in the power of video. It is one digital content form that is growing extremely fast and could replace still images very soon. Your customers want to see things that catch their eye and keep them from navigating away immediately. Designers are constantly required to adapt to the ways that people interact with websites and social media, and this is just one way to do it. Whether it’s a gif, a hover effect, or even a simple transition, meaningful movement is good.

2. Important Info First

When customers visit your site, it’s extremely important for them to understand clearly who you are and what you do. Even if you boast a complex code development software or aren’t able to fully reveal what your products are until a certain date, you must be able to summarize your company in one or two sentences. When running Google Ads, it’s important for your website to match what your ad is trying to accomplish. The more relevant your landing page is to your target audience, the higher the chances of ad visibility.

3. Navigate Easily

Getting lost is no fun. Websites should be easily navigable so that your visitors understand where they are supposed to go. If you are experiencing a high bounce rate on your site, the menu might be too complicated or the design might not naturally guide visitors to the next step. What do you want your customers to do when they get to your site? Implement a Call To Action that is clearly seen and understood within the first few moments.

4. Authentic Content

Whether you are a company that sells clothing, or a government contracting agency, your customers must know that you can be trusted. First, make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Display your contact information clearly, incorporate your social media accounts, and give directions. Second, ensure that you will not misuse customer information. Post a privacy policy or terms and conditions. Be transparent with the way that you handle sensitive materials and put visitors at ease. Finally, use audience-specific content. If your target audience is located in rural areas, but your site has photography that only depicts people in bigger cities, you may be alienating customers.

Get started today! Active8 is here to help with all of your website needs.
